Manufacturer: Edition Güntersberg

Graun, Johann Gottlieb (1701/02–1771): Concerto D-Dur per la Viola da gamba
– Score & Gamba

Product no.: G247

Manufacturer: Edition Güntersberg

23,50 EUR

  • weight 0,28 kg

product description

GraunWV A:XIII:4 for viola da gamba solo, 2 violins, viola, & b.c., edited as first edition and facsimile of the solo part by Michael O’Loghlin and Günter von Zadow. A rare opportunity for advanced viol da gambist players to become acquainted with the genre of the Baroque solo concerto in Italian style. This new edition contains original fingerings by the scribe Ludwig Chr. Hesse, who performed many of Graun’s concertos. Edition Güntersberg


Manufacturer identification

Name: Edition Güntersberg
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