Babel, Charles (~1700): 49 Preludes, Fantaisies, and Caprices
Product no.: IH26
Manufacturer: Edition Walhall
21,80 EUR
product description
for alto recorder solo, edited as first edition by David Lasocki. Never published before, not even in the Baroque period! An excellent and fun collection of Baroque pieces: fine practice material, also useful as models for writing or improvising your own preludes, fantaisies, and caprices. The manuscript is preserved in the British Library in London. Instant Harmony Music
„Lasocki stellt mit seiner Ausgabe eine Sammlung vor, die sich als wunderbares historisches Beispiel der Verbindung von (Spiel) Lust und Didaktik erweist. Er stellt dem Neudruck ein ausführliches Vorwort (19 Seiten) voran. Unbedingt lesen!“ Prof. Michael Schneider, TIBIA, 02/2017
„Intermediate players will enjoy this introductiton to Baroque music. For those who appreciate solo practice and performance, and for more advanced players who also enjoy the challenge of ornamentation and improvisation, it is an edition to be recommended.“ AMERICAN RECORDER, Winter/2017
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Manufacturer identification
Manufacturer identification
Name: Edition Walhall - Verlag Franz BiersackE-Mail adress:
Streetaddress: Richard-Wagner-Straße 3
ZIP Code: 39106
City: Magdeburg
Country: DE
Phone: +49391857820