Oboe (Corno Inglese) & Voice(s)
Product no.: Sar1
23,50 EUR
Product no.: TEL1
Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681–1767): Three Cantatas with Recorders
24,80 EUR
Product no.: Sar1
Sarri (Sarro), Domenico (1679–1744): Andate, o miei sospiri
Cantata for soprano [e’–a’’], 2 oboes, & b. c., edited by Cedric...
23,50 EUR
Product no.: Ste1
Steffani, Agostino (1654–1728): Spezza Amor l’arco
No. 1 from “6 Scherzi” for soprano [d’–a’’], oboe (Piffaro), bassoon,...
19,80 EUR
incl. 7 % VAT excl. shipping costs
Product no.: TEL1
Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681–1767): Three Cantatas with Recorders
from “Fortsetzung des Harmonischen Gottesdienstes” for voice [d’–e’’],...
24,80 EUR
Sainte-Colombe le fils (18th century): Viola da Gamba solo
18,00 EUR
incl. 7 % VAT excl. shipping costs
Kronseder, Verena (*1969): Manual for playing the viola da gamba
39,80 EUR
incl. 7 % VAT excl. shipping costs
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